Digital Transformation

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Digital Transformation

Adaptable to your changing needs

Workcube Catalyst; It basically includes ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning, CRM - Customer Relationship Management, HR - Human Resources solutions. As an Add-On, many functional and sectoral solutions such as PMS - Project Management, PAM - Physical Asset Management, CMS - Content Management, Intranet are integrated with Workcube Catalyst. You start out with what you need today and continue on your way by adding new functions and modules to your software in parallel with the evolving needs of your business and your business.

In the Cloud or On Your Server

Workcube Catalyst is 100% internet based and works on cloud architecture. You can have Workcube Catalyst on a subscription basis with monthly fees, or with unlimited user licensing (on-premise) on your server. Based on cloud architecture, Workcube Catalyst brings with it not only software, but also a technological infrastructure that you do not have to manage. Concepts such as server, networking, hosting, backup, upgrade, data recovery, disaster management will disappear from your life. Workcube Catalyst constructs and manages all these for you.

Easy Customizable Structure

You can add fields to the pages, create new pages, change the places of the fields, make them invisible, and make them read-only, without the need for special coding studies on any page you want. Similarly, you can customize the system menus according to your needs, and you can make designs in the system you want in a short time.

Mobile Compatible Responsive Design

Employees, business partners and customers can access the system securely with a computer, tablet or smartphone without the need to install any software. They do their work, communicate, develop collaborations.

Short and Easy Implementation

Contrary to the classical ERP implementation periods that take months or even years, a short training is sufficient for the Workcube Catalyst platform to work in your company. System administrators and super users can customize the application with the training they receive and the special privileges given to them. They edit System General Settings, set parameters, create transfer files. They authorize users and control functional access. They ensure the most efficient use of Workcube Catalyst by arranging menus, pages, forms and screens.

User Friendly Interface

When your employees connect to the system when they come to work in the morning or while on vacation, Catalyst's agenda page greets them. They follow the agenda of the business with their personalized home pages in accordance with their authorities and responsibilities, and they get involved. Birthdays, events, rules, new recruits are announced on the main page. Excess stocks, complaints that need to be resolved, new orders, orders are on the home page of the employees in accordance with the authorities.

Fast Integration with Third Party Applications

With Workcube Catalyst web services and integration tools, it securely sends and receives data to 3rd party applications. There are logistics companies, banks, e-government applications that can be integrated ready. Thanks to its open structure, it is possible to work with many popular applications such as MS Exchange, Google, Office Live, Facebook, Twitter, Alibaba, Amazon, eBay.

Do you need Workcube?

Do you need corporate software, but you don't know yet in which departments you should have an application with which functions? Answer the accelerated analysis questions of Workcube and instantly see the most accurate configuration proposal for your business. No more, no less!

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